BLUE SKIES OVER NINE ISLESA post-post-apocalyptic adventure!Our world is gone, destroyed in a dark time known only as “THE CATASTROPHE” – when the oceans rose and a huge meteor struck the Earth.The world is now a vast ocean, peppered with thousands …


A post-post-apocalyptic adventure!

Our world is gone, destroyed in a dark time known only as “THE CATASTROPHE” – when the oceans rose and a huge meteor struck the Earth.

The world is now a vast ocean, peppered with thousands of islands. Pilots and Navigators called CHARTERS are paid to map islands, deliver goods, and recover Old World treasures.

The Charters live in the NINE ISLES CONFEDERACY, a group of unique Island-States.

MAXWELL ROMERO & MARLOW DREYFUSS, our protagonists, are Charters. When not out flying Unknown Waters, they try to make their home in AMBER CITY, capital of the Nine Isles and home of the Charter’s Guild.

Art by Hugh Henderson.

Webcomic - Updates every other Friday - Click to Visit!

FRANGIBLE & BORK: THE INTERVIEWKarl the Satyr just graduated from Bardic College, and the job market is not kind to an inexperienced skald. Luckily, he finds an ad in the back of the paper for an Internship at Frangible & Bork - Adventure Co…


Karl the Satyr just graduated from Bardic College, and the job market is not kind to an inexperienced skald. Luckily, he finds an ad in the back of the paper for an Internship at Frangible & Bork - Adventure Consultants! Un-Luckily, to win the job, Karl will have to survive the worst part of job hunting - the dreaded interview.

Art by Matthew K Hoddy.

Currently Unavailable Online - Click to see Matt’s other work!